Equipping Drivers for Safety Through Training

Whiteline Express ranks far below the Compliance Safety Accountability (CSA) scores in all categories, including Crash, HOS, Unsafe Driving, Driver Fitness, Vehicle Maintenance, and Drugs/Alcohol.
Our impressive low accident rates are a direct result of our dedication to driver safety training. Our advanced online driver training is aligned with drivers’ safety performance and incentives.
We also implement additional online safety and wellness training through Stay Metrics.
Low Accident Rates Mean On-Time, Safe Deliveries
As a result of our dedication to safety and driver training, the Whiteline Express accident rate per million miles driven is significantly below the Department of Transportation intervention threshold.
Keeping Our Roadways Safe
Safety is Whiteline Express’s priority in hiring drivers, in training, and on the road. Safety is the foundation of our business operations and guides every decision we make.
Contact Our Safety Team
Call us at 800‐800‐0288 ext. 846‐7373 or send us a fax to 734-455-9457.